Personal Experiences

JSEC has been one of the most common hangout places of students. As early as 7:00am, you see students studying, sleeping or talking with friends until classes start. It doesn’t just serve the purpose of a cafeteria where you just buy the food, eat and leave but a sanctuary where you can make noise, gather tables and chairs to fit the number of friends eating together.

Yes, the number of students who eat there especially during peak hours are too much, add that with the heat of the sun and the “JSEC smell” makes the appeal of JSEC not as enticing but still students will always come back to that place.

My first year in Ateneo, JSEC seemed like the perfect place to just chill and eat with blockmates instead of walking to Katipunan and eating in McDonalds. But just like all things, the hype and excitement for a place dies down and after eating the food there almost everyday, we tend to crave something else. Even up to today in my junior year, trying most of the stalls already and its not even half of the school year makes me and my friends brave the heat to walk to Katipunan to eat something else. Yet despite the having the same kind of food everyday, it nice to know that JSEC will always be there to welcome us back with the chairs that get more comfortable the longer you sit, the worry of not being able to find tables before your next class along with the teamwork you and your friends have to find those “rare Pokemon” tables.

All these times we've been talking about JSEC but we know there might be some readers who do not know where it is. For the people who don't know where JSEC is, here’s a map :)
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