A New Challenge

Ateneo has probably thought of every avenue for the growth of their students. They have organized university wide activities such as SOM week, SOMBA, JTA and a lot more.
For the School of Management, in coordination with the Ateneo Management Association (AMA), one of its major events is the JSEC Challenge. As we have said in our first blog post, before students can be part of JSEC, they have to undergo a process which is the JSEC Challenge. It is composed of three stages, and each stage has four winners and seven wildcard all in all. And it’s that time of the year again!
JSEC 2014 was officially launched and introduced to the students last July 10, 2013 with the theme Military. An orientation was held at Leong hall for the final guidelines for those who are up to the challenge. Last July 28, students have already submitted their proposals to the SOM Dean. Although there still hasn’t been any update on the release date for the JSEC Challenge participants, students for sure are hoping for the best results. We’ll keep you guys posted on the results and the new participants for the JSEC 2014!

For more information, visit their site: JSEC2014

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